Video Prototype 2

As I continued to make the video prototype, I set out a few goals - such as having 2 scenarios to display the uses of the concept/product and the rest to explain it. I had my friend voice over it as he had a clear mic compared to mine. The animation that was done was simple - the frames were drawn then "effects" were added such as "sound lines" to indicate speech or noise. I aimed to make the video around 2minutes long as its not too short and not too long. Initially, for the explanation of the concept, I had static frames. However, I found it quite boring and so I learnt some simple animation to make it more appealing. 2 concepts were also drawn up - the Soundlite headphones and earbuds. Sound effects were added to complete the video such as transitions and background noises to show the function of the headphone. Overall, making the video was an interesting experience as it was something that I haven't really done before. One of the hardest aspects was syncing everything up such as the voice over and sound effects and to make sure that the noise levels of each part wasn't too loud as to overpower each other.
