Exercise 3

Vid 1 - low quality audio, no voice over. product seems useless. bad first impression as shaky camera
Vid 2 - comedic, voice over. visuals to go with voice over. gets point across easily
Vid 3 - clear voice over, nice visual aid to help viewer. short in duration, and moves quite fast
Vid 4 - no explanation on how to play the game in the video, just shows the game playing played. no voice over. can be confusing to viewer
Vid 5 - looks professionally produced, clear voice over. situations shows the use of the product. shows the benefits. good impression, no shaky camera, etc
Vid 6 - shows the function along with voice over. compilation of what the users are looking for in the beginning

General pointers:
Have good quality audio and voice over
If using real life footage, make sure camera isn't shaky and stable
Explain the concept, its uses and situations in which its used
Display the product if its physical as well as the user(s) interacting with it

Avoid no instructions on how to use the concept or having no description of product.
Avoid poor quality audio and visuals
Have relevant visuals
Voice over to explain uses / concept if possible
