Exercise 9


Fast food establishment
Counter near front, seats to the side. Drive through on the outside. Customer can order via counter, self-ordering service or drive through. After ordering, go to counter and pay. Pick up food after waiting for it to be made.

Customers need to wait longer for food if its busy
Customers need to wait for seats if its busy or a second is closed for cleaning
Wait staff have multiple duties such as cleaning, serving and making the food (very busy)

External factors
Other customers can increase wait time which can lead to a negative experience (long wait times)

Internal factors
Worker low motivation leading to 'half-assing' making the food.

If its busy can take a long time for food to be complete.

Can decrease wait time by allowing customer to order online then go pick up in person.

It can reduce the wait time of customers and reduce the amount of people in store which may lead to a different experience. Less wait time = better

Test ordering from a specific location and seeing if its better to wait until you are notified that your meal is ready to be collected or to wait instore
