
Showing posts from August, 2017


Learning to use unity is a challenge as I have never done anything like this before. I learnt the basics through the tutorials online. However, that is not enough for the needs of the project and as such I watched YouTube tutorials to try achieve the effect I want. I find that the hardest part of unity is the scripting aspect, as I do not have much if any experience with it. Unity will be used for the interactive prototypes. I have decided to draw the prototype out for unity.

User prototype testing

In the class, we tested our video prototypes. I was satisfied with my video as most participants found it easy and clear to understand. The feedback given was that it appeared easy to use and that they would most likely use it. However, there were some aspects which were confusing to the user, namely the survey that was given afterwards. According to feedback, I was not clear enough on my questions as some found them confusing. This will be adjusted in future user testing by making the questions more clear

Video Prototype 2

As I continued to make the video prototype, I set out a few goals - such as having 2 scenarios to display the uses of the concept/product and the rest to explain it. I had my friend voice over it as he had a clear mic compared to mine. The animation that was done was simple - the frames were drawn then "effects" were added such as "sound lines" to indicate speech or noise. I aimed to make the video around 2minutes long as its not too short and not too long. Initially, for the explanation of the concept, I had static frames. However, I found it quite boring and so I learnt some simple animation to make it more appealing. 2 concepts were also drawn up - the Soundlite headphones and earbuds. Sound effects were added to complete the video such as transitions and background noises to show the function of the headphone. Overall, making the video was an interesting experience as it was something that I haven't really done before. One of the hardest aspects was syncing ...

Video Prototype

For the video prototype, I decided to do some sort of animation with a voice over. As I am inexperienced, I decided to go with a simple animation. My concept was earphones or headphones that adjust themselves by either playing white noise or isolating external sounds when the surroundings reached a certain noise level. They would also double up as earphones/headphones for playing music. I believe that my idea comes under augmenting everyday life as it enhances the life of people who are sensitive to changes in sounds. Some examples of uses would be in train stations when the train goes by or in another public area.

Exercise 3

Vid 1 - low quality audio, no voice over. product seems useless. bad first impression as shaky camera Vid 2 - comedic, voice over. visuals to go with voice over. gets point across easily Vid 3 - clear voice over, nice visual aid to help viewer. short in duration, and moves quite fast Vid 4 - no explanation on how to play the game in the video, just shows the game playing played. no voice over. can be confusing to viewer Vid 5 - looks professionally produced, clear voice over. situations shows the use of the product. shows the benefits. good impression, no shaky camera, etc Vid 6 - shows the function along with voice over. compilation of what the users are looking for in the beginning General pointers: Have good quality audio and voice over If using real life footage, make sure camera isn't shaky and stable Explain the concept, its uses and situations in which its used Display the product if its physical as well as the user(s) interacting with it Avoid no instructions o...

Exercise 2

A prototype that would allow you to test your variations is one that can easily be modified or recreated. A simple prototype rather than complex would be easier to test variations. The prototype is most likely going to be physical if possible so the user can touch it. prototype is not representative of the final product. different method of interactions such as using hands / legs / head etc. different technology used? wire / wireless?

Prac 1

This was the first prac for deco2300. In this session, we deconstructed the 3 challenges, breaking them down into the key components. I decided that I would pick up challenge 2 as I found it the most interested. I was interested in challenge 3 but after seeing the limitations, I decided against it. My expectations for this course is that it would be relatively fun whilst also challenging as it encompasses things I have not done before such as make a kickstarter video.

Exercise 1

What do YOU think a prototype is? Something that is incomplete and used mainly for testing What form/s can it take? Physical and non physical (virtual) What do you need to make one?  Anything When do you make one & what for? Make one early on to test the prototype What does prototyping mean for you in your degree? Prototyping means testing if the thing does what its supposed to or what it does. Have you created any before? No If so, what were they for? What form did they take? What did you achieve by creating it?